Boskos Seminar Pretoria
Tannins and herbivores (PDF, 3 MB)
since 2005 Lecture on Exotic pet nutrition
Heimsäuger Ernährung (PDF, 109 MB)
ESVCN (Talk)
Digestive physiology of suids (PDF, 1 MB)
ISRP Clermont-Ferrand (Plenary)
Evolutionary adaptations of ruminants (PDF, 5 MB)
BEW Zürich (Plenary)
Adaptations of desert animals (PDF, 4 MB)
EAZWV Beekse Bergen (Talk)
Herd management (PDF, 4 MB)
EAZWV Madrid (Talk)
Stress in captive solitary species (PDF, 1 MB)
Institute of Anthropology Zurich (Seminar)
Digestive physiology of primates (PDF, 3 MB)
ESVCN Zaragoza (Plenary)
Comparative fibre digestion (PDF, 10 MB)
NESCent (Talk)
Diet abrasiveness and teeth (PDF, 6 MB)
SVBT Fortbildung
Fütterung von Reptilien (PDF, 7 MB)
Zoologische Gesellschaft Zürich (Plenary)
The indomitable moose (PDF, 11 MB)
Basle (Seminar)
Dinosaur reconstructions (PDF, 12 MB)
Sciene+Barbecue Zurich (Plenary)
Why birds fly and dinosaurs died out (PDF, 2 MB)
Bio 122
Introduction general physiology (PDF, 2 MB)
Introduction digestive physiology (PDF, 15 MB)
Wildlife digestive physiology course, University of Natural Resources and Applied
Life Sciences Vienna
1 Introduction (PDF, 242 KB)
1b Intro Physiology (PDF, 3 MB)
1c Intro Digestive physiology (PDF, 6 MB)
1d Food intake (PDF, 2 MB)
2 Allometric principles (PDF, 3 MB)
3 Carnivory (PDF, 65 MB)
4 Herbivory introduction (PDF, 18 MB)
5 Coprophagy (PDF, 20 MB)
6 Hindgut Foregut (PDF, 9 MB)
7 Browser Grazer a (PDF, 10 MB)
7 Browser Grazer b (PDF, 13 MB)
7 Browser Grazer c (PDF, 46 MB)
8 Herbivore allometry (PDF, 14 MB)
9 Evolutionary constraints (PDF, 9 MB)
10 Applications1: zoo herbivores (PDF, 8 MB)
11 Applications2: zoo ruminants (PDF, 5 MB)
12 Applications3: wildlife feeding (PDF, 18 MB)
13 Science (PDF, 1 MB)
Gent (Plenary)
Equid digestive physiology & behaviour, Gent 2013 (PDF, 9 MB)
BEW Zürich (Plenary)
Honigdachs und Madenhacker (PDF, 7 MB)
Conf Behav Physiol Gen Berlin (Plenary)
The art of allometry (PDF, 13 MB)
Int Conf Rum Phylogeny Munich (Plenary)
Soft tissue biology (PDF, 30 MB)
Fachgruppe Zootierernährung Görlitz (Seminar)
Pflanzenfesser (PDF, 10 MB)
Wiederkäuer (PDF, 7 MB)
5. Zürcher Dysphagie-Tagung (Plenary)
Merycism and Rumination (PDF, 12 MB)
Symposium zum 75. Geburtstag von Prof. Ernst Pfeffer
Nitrogen fractionation in faeces: status quo and potential (PDF, 3 MB)
EAZWV Warshaw (Plenary)
EAZWV Nutrition Plenary (PDF, 8 MB)
International Workshop on Abrasion and Attrition: Traces of Mastication in Fossil Mammals (Invited contribution)
Diet abrasiveness and tooth wear in rabbits and guinea pig (PDF, 8 MB)
German Society of Veterinary Physiology
Metabolism and intake in camelids (PDF, 1 MB)
Seniorenuniversität Zürich: Rekonstruktion des Gigantismus - wie man sich die Biologie der grössten Dinosaurier vorstellt
Rekonstruktion des Gigantismus (PDF, 17 MB)
Salzh Schulalternative Zürich, Winterthur
Das Wow im Muh - was Kühe so wertvoll und einzigartig macht, und wie man es herausfindet (PDF, 3 MB)
Eur Zoo Nutr Conf (Plenary)
Zoo Animal Nutrition - history and rules (PDF, 4 MB)
Eur Zoo Nutr Conf
Herbivore dental health (PDF, 2 MB)
Eur Zoo Nutr Conf (Workshop)
EAZA_PrimatesReptiles_webversion.pdf (PDF, 6 MB)
Vetsuisse Summer School
Research with Zoo Animals (PDF, 1 MB)
ESVCN Conference Toulouse
Protein and fat digestion in mammals (PDF, 2 MB)
Fortbildung Zootierfütterung Zoo Basel
Generelle Einführung (PDF, 4 MB)
Zootierfütterung - Anwendungen (PDF, 1 MB)
‘Leid-Bilder: Passion im Film (Plenary)
Tierisch Schmerzhaft - die Passion aus der Perspektive Sprachloser (Au Hazard Balthasar) (PDF, 6 MB)
German Society for Mammalian Biology
Research with zoo animals - the example of digesta kinetics (PDF, 2 MB)
Beyond Jarman Bell (PDF, 3 MB)
UNESP Jaboticabal (Plenary)
Physiological adaptations of ruminants (PDF, 10 MB)
EAZA Rhino TAG Meeting Belfast
Rhino nutrition - reminder and update (PDF, 8 MB)
GfE Hannover
Methane Insufflation (PDF, 1 MB)
GfE Göttingen
Horse Cattle Camel Chewing (PDF, 10 MB)
Eur Zoo Nutr Conf (Workshop)
ManufacturerPortfolio (PDF, 6 MB)
PelletsHerbivores (PDF, 3 MB)
PelletsBlackRhino (PDF, 2 MB)
AnteaterFeeding (PDF, 2 MB)
Ringvorlesung “Domestikation”
Zähmen kann man viel, domestizieren nur wenig: warum nur wenige Tierarten geeignet sind (PDF, 15 MB)
BEW Zurich (Plenary)
Nahrungszerkleinerung im Tierreich (PDF, 21 MB)
Vetsuisse lecture
Exotic Pet Nutrition (PDF, 7 MB)
Evidence in Exotic Pet Nutrition (PDF, 3 MB)
Dt. Tierärztetag Leipzig (Plenary) |
Zähne und Kauen von Pferden im Vergleich (PDF, 12 MB) |
ANIMALICUM Bergenz (Plenary) |
Halten, Zähmen, Domestizieren (PDF, 14 MB) |
Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow (Plenary)
Challenges in Zoo Animal Nutrition (PDF, 5 MB)
PhD Seminar Göttingen |
Science business (PDF, 34 MB)
Lecture at Zurich Zoo |
Elephant digestive physiology and nutrition (PDF, 37 MB)
BEW Zurich (Plenary) |
LifeHistoryRedQueenEvolution.pdf (PDF, 5 MB)
Letcure on phylogenetic statistics and evolutionary law |
Phylogenetic statistics and evolutionary laws (PDF, 51 MB) |
Schweizer Tierärztetage (Plenary) |
ZooEthics (PDF, 10 MB)
Zaehne (PDF, 48 MB)
Lectures on Zoo Biolog |
Phylogeny (PDF, 17 MB)
AnimalHealth (PDF, 16 MB)
Nutrition (PDF, 41 MB)
ZooResearch (PDF, 67 MB)
ZooEthics (PDF, 148 MB)
CarnivoreFeeding (PDF, 165 MB)
Giraffe & Antelope TAG Meeting
GiraffeFeeding_handout (PDF, 100 MB)
Belo Horizonte Conference |
Nutrition plenary (PDF, 144 MB) |
Belo Horizonte
mini-course |
Nutrition concepts (PDF, 92 MB)
Giraffe Feeding (PDF, 60 MB)
Portfolio (PDF, 72 MB)
DigestiveAnatomyCarni (PDF, 5 MB)
DigestiveAnatomyHerbi (PDF, 24 MB)
DigestiveAnatomyCopro (PDF, 34 MB)
DigestiveAnatomyRumi (PDF, 154 MB)
Problems (PDF, 18 MB)
CalculatingDiets (PDF, 7 MB)
CarnivoreFeeding (PDF, 165 MB)
MeerkatConcept (PDF, 8 MB)
2019 |
Seminar Institute of Evolutionary Medicine, UZH |
Clauss_IEMseminar_191206 (PDF, 3 MB)
2019 |
Lectures on Domestication |
DomesticationTaming.pdf (PDF, 12 MB)
DomesticationAimsLimits.pdf (PDF, 8 MB)
2019 |
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague |
ScienceBusiness.pdf (PDF, 9 MB)
BrowserGrazer.pdf (PDF, 12 MB)
ZooAnimalNutrition.pdf (PDF, 4 MB)
2019 |
Belgian Endocrine Society (Plenary) |
DinosaurGigantism.pdf (PDF, 49 MB)
2019 |
BEW Zurich (Plenary) |
AdaptDominateControl.pdf (PDF, 9 MB)
2019 |
Lectures on Philosophy and Ethics in Biology |
Perceiving reality (PDF, 64 MB)
Directionality fallacy (PDF, 18 MB)
2020 |
EAZA Science Plenary |
Clauss_EAZAResearchSaesonality_handout (PDF, 36 MB) |
2020 |
Primate Research Institute Kyoto |
Clauss_PRIseminar (PDF, 26 MB) |
2020 |
ETH Zürich Seminar |
Clauss_MicrobeFarming_200823_handout (PDF, 12 MB) |
2020 |
Vetsuisse Vorlesung Heimsäuger |
Clauss_Heimsäuger_Handout (PDF, 16 MB) |
2020 |
Seniorenuniversität UZH |
WiederkauenDeutsch2020_handout (PDF, 37 MB) |
2021 |
Vorlesung |
Ernährung Heimsäuger (PDF, 10 MB)
Tierschutz exotische Heimtiere (PDF, 12 MB)
2021 |
BIO124 Philosophy/Ethics in Biology |
Check the Emperor (PDF, 54 MB) |
2021 |
European Zoo Nutrition Conference Workshop |
Bears (PDF, 28 MB) |
2021 |
PhD Seminar Göttingen |
Science (PDF, 119 MB) |
2021 |
Bio 544 Evolutionary Biology |
The Queen and the Demon (PDF, 9 MB) |
2021 |
BIO262 Evolutionary Morphology |
PhyloStats (PDF, 21 MB)
Chewing mechanics (PDF, 4 MB)
Ecophysiological principles (PDF, 98 MB)
Gut anatomy (PDF, 5 MB)
Increasing chewing efficiency (PDF, 6 MB)
Browser Grazer (PDF, 81 MB)
2021 |
Vetsuisse Vorlesung Heimsäuger |
Einführung und Recherche-Übung: natürliche Nahrung (PDF, 18 MB)
Verdauungsphysiologie Heimsäuger (PDF, 12 MB)
Futtermittel für exotische Heimtiere (PDF, 22 MB)
Journal Club (PDF, 156 MB)
Konsequenzen der Diskrepanz von natürlicher und menschenbestimmter Ernährung (PDF, 45 MB)
Lösungen für an der Biologie orientierter Haltung und Fütterung (PDF, 5 MB)
2021 |
EAZA Conference (research plenary) |
Birth and death (PDF, 9 MB)
2021 |
EAZA Webinar |
Beyond enrichment: modern zoo animal feeding (PDF, 70 MB)
2021 |
UZH Scientifica |
Natürlich … oder … Künstlich ? Beispiel Zootierfütterung (PDF, 29 MB)
2021 |
Seniorenuniversität UZH |
Zähne von Säugetieren (PDF, 57 MB) |
2022 |
BEW Zurich (Plenary) |
Welche Säugetiere entwickeln Krebs? (PDF, 6 MB) |
2022 |
Kinder-Uni ETH |
Speisekarte für Kamele (PDF, 3 MB) |
2022 |
Vetsuisse Bahnhofsevent |
«Freie Wildbahn» Wo sind Tiere wirklich «frei»? (PDF, 2 MB)
Bedeutungsvolle Leben in einer angstfreien Umgebung (PDF, 1 MB) |
2022 |
Seniorenuniversität UZH |
Koprophagie: Säuger als Mikroben-Farmer (PDF, 3 MB) |
2022 |
Tiergarten-Gesellschaft Zürich |
Verbessern sich Zoos und wie kann man das messen? Überlebensdaten von Zootieren (PDF, 5 MB) |
2022 |
EAZA Elephant |
The historical development of zoo elephant survivorship (PDF, 7 MB) |
2022 |
EAZA Nutrition |
Zoo Animal Nutrition: upgrading our aims (PDF, 2 MB)
Feeding zoo animals to zoo carnivores is an ethical problem: if you do not do it (PDF, 3 MB) |
2022 |
CNS (Plenary) |
Comparative nutrition and digestive physiology - thoughts about future possibilities (PDF, 7 MB) |
2022 |
SEB Montpellier |
Teeth and the gastrointestinal tract in mammals: when 1 + 1 = 3 (PDF, 9 MB) |
2022 |
Tierärztetag Leipzig |
Tierparks in der Schweiz (PDF, 3 MB)
Ernährung von Wildtieren: kurzes Päppeln oder langfristige Konzepte? (PDF, 5 MB) |
2022 |
EEHN Gent |
Digestive physiology and feeding behaviour of equids – a comparative approach (PDF, 6 MB) |
2022 |
EAZWV Emmen (workshop) |
Zoo Animal Nutrition Workshop (PDF, 1 MB)
Basic calculations for feeding animals (PDF, 1 MB)
How to choose a pelleted product: Manufacturer portfolios, feeding instructions, product promotion and nutritional knowledge (PDF, 2 MB)
Zoo animal husbandry is public (PDF, 1 MB) |
2022 |
EAZA Welfare |
Nutrition as an integral part of behavioural management of zoo animals (PDF, 1 MB)
Zoo Animal Nutrition Workshop (PDF, 5 MB) |
2023 |
Sarton Lecture Ghent |
Historical (and psychological) aspects of zoological science (PDF, 3 MB) |
2023 |
International Symposium Nutrition Herbivores (plenary) |
Evolutionary trajectories in mammalian herbivory (PDF, 21 MB) |
2023 |
Equine Science Society Symposium (plenary) |
Equid nutritional physiology and behavior: an evolutionary perspective (PDF, 18 MB) |
2023 |
Tierärztl Vereinigung Tierschutz |
Zootiere an Zootiere zu verfüttern ist ein ethisches Problem – wenn man es nicht tut (PDF, 12 MB)
Umfrage zur Verfütterung von Zootieren Carnivoren-Fütterung: wohin wollen wir? (PDF, 27 MB)
2023 |
Senioren-Universität |
Lebenserwartung in Zoos und im natürlichen Habitat (PDF, 14 MB) |
2023 |
Breed and Feed (PDF, 373 MB) |
2023 |
GfE Conference |
Rumen washing mechanism (PDF, 9 MB) |
2023 |
IZW Conference |
Getting better, making worse (PDF, 12 MB) |
2023 |
EAZA Conference |
Red panda survey (PDF, 2 MB)
Black rhino necropsies (PDF, 2 MB)
Small budget research (PDF, 26 MB)